Recent years have witnessed a surge in law firm Professional Development. Not only have the offerings become more dynamic and comprehensive, but firms are also diversifying the mediums through which they deliver content – discrete in-person training sessions, larger formats like orientations/retreats, 1:1 coaching, small group development, all kinds of mentoring, and of course digital programming are all on the menu of what firms offer these days.

While these developments are exciting, the surge in resources comes with the risk of overwhelming associates if not carefully managed – as discussed in a recent article in Harvard Business Review. To avoid associate overwhelm, firms must create a cohesive plan that strategically utilizes various formats. The key lies in orchestrating these resources to form a comprehensive and synergistic developmental journey.
How can you accomplish this?
First, familiarize yourself with your resources. With the recent growth in PD resources, you may find that even individual members of the Professional Development teams may not be well-versed in every initiative or resource. To ensure everyone is familiar with all available resources, ask PD team members to educate each other on the resources they know well. Ensuring everyone on the team has a solid grasp of all the resources can spark creative ideas on how these resources might work together effectively.
Second, map out your learning paths. While your PD curriculum may already incorporate learning paths, have you ever specifically mapped out (on paper!) what the learning path looks like for each associate? Examine the learning path from associates' perspectives at different levels and in various practice areas. Does your programming offer a cohesive path where various learning resources reinforce and build upon each other? If not, how can you make the path more cohesive? Are mentors updated on learning objectives so they can discuss them with associates? Can you promote online resources at specific points in an associate's PD journey to reinforce and enhance learning?
Third, establish feedback loops between different formats. For instance, you might leverage insights from coaching sessions to shape the content of live or on-demand programming. This ensures that the professional development journey remains responsive to associates' evolving needs and challenges.
Finally, when integrating a new resource or initiative, put it into the larger context. How can you use it in harmony with other programs already in place? Does the new initiative offer opportunities to leverage current resources more effectively?
In crafting a cohesive professional development plan for associates, viewing each resource not as a standalone offering but as part of a strategic continuum is crucial. By orchestrating these resources carefully, law firms can ensure that associates receive a well-rounded and synergistic professional development experience—one that equips them with professional expertise as well as the skills, insights, and mentorship necessary for a successful and fulfilling legal career.
By: Kandice Thorn, Founder, WorkBetter for Lawyers