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A Resolution for 2024: Sleep as a Strategic Priority

In law firm practice, sleep is often underrated, with sleep deprivation viewed as a badge of honor or a rite of passage. But sleep is foundational; it's a pivotal element in cognitive function, decision-making, attentiveness, and emotional well-being. In an industry that demands perfection, we shouldn't overlook the role of sleep in delivering top-tier work for our clients day in and day out.

Law firms invest significantly in technology, office improvements, training, benefits, and more to boost associate engagement and performance. Yet, the importance of sleep as a driver of engagement and productivity often goes overlooked. Recognizing and investing in sleep wellness can yield substantial returns in terms of associate performance, engagement, and overall job satisfaction.

One of the biggest challenges in encouraging healthy sleep habits among law firm attorneys is the view that sleep deprivation is driven not internally but by client demands. However, it's crucial to discern when deadlines and workloads can be managed to encourage healthy sleep patterns. Not every task is urgent; recognizing this and giving associates space to complete work at peak mental performance can result in higher quality work for clients.

But the responsibility of getting enough sleep can't be put solely on the shoulders of associates - especially juniors or mid-levels who have little say over their workloads or deadlines. Partners and senior associates must be educated to set the tone from the top--to understand the impact of sleep deprivation on their teams, appreciate that a well-rested team produces better client work, and (perhaps most importantly) be role models in this regard. Workshops and training sessions emphasizing sleep as a firm-wide value can be instrumental, as well as firm policies or values statements encouraging reasonable deadlines, manageable workloads, and reduced late-night communications - in the context of excellent client work.

The Benefits of Prioritizing Sleep

Law firms can anticipate an upsurge in morale, engagement, and loyalty by valuing sleep. A well-rested lawyer is typically more productive, efficient, and content, lowering turnover rates and enhancing the firm's reputation. Although these returns on an investment in sleep may be challenging to quantify in dollar amounts, study after study shows that the benefits are irrefutable.


As the new year unfolds, it's time for law firms to include sleep as a fundamental resolution. The commitment to ensuring adequate rest is not just about individual health but is a strategic move toward enhancing the firm's overall success and well-being. Sleep is not just a personal necessity; it's a professional asset.

By Kandice Thorn, Founder, WorkBetter for Lawyers

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